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Privacy Policy

Changes to Privacy Policy
My Privacy Policy was written on November 1, 2019.

I reserve the right to change my Privacy Policy at any time without notice to visitors to my website. Visitors to my website should review my Privacy Policy at each visit.

Collection of Information
I do not collect any personal information from visitors to my website. Personal information includes names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, IP addresses, and access dates and times.

My website collects the same basic information that most websites collect. It uses common internet technologies, such as cookies and web server logs. This information is used to monitor and protect the security of my website.

Any information collected is not shared with anyone.

Cookies are pieces of data that most websites place on visitors’ computers to store information specific to that device, like a browser or mobile phone. The cookies my website uses are strictly necessary for the functionality of my website. I do not use or share any information collected by cookies.

You can find out about cookies and how to delete and control them by referring to your browser’s instructions or visit

Children’s Privacy
My website is not intended for children under 16 years of age. I do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 16.

Dispute Resolution
If a visitor has any complaints regarding compliance with my Privacy Policy, the visitor should first contact me. I will attempt to resolve complaints regarding use and disclosure of information in accordance with my Privacy Policy.

How to Contact Me
My contact information is at the bottom of each page of my website.

Terms of Use

Changes to Terms of Use
My Terms of Use was written on November 1, 2019.

I reserve the right to modify my Terms of Use at any time without notice to visitors to my website. My failure to enforce any part of my Terms of Use shall not be construed as a waiver of such provision. If a visitor does not agree to my terms, the visitor may not visit my website. Visitors to my website should review my Terms of Use at each visit.

Acceptance of Terms of Use
Visiting my website is conditioned upon visitor’s acceptance of my Terms of Use contained herein. All visitors of my website hereby understand and agree that their visit constitutes acceptance of my Terms of Use set forth in this legal notice. 

The domain name PhoenixRising is owned by me, Susan Guigley.

Third-Party Relationships
My website may contain links to other sites. Links are provided merely to assist visitors. Some of those sites might be operated by third parties. Those sites are independent of my website. I disclaim any and all responsibility or liability for content contained on linked sites and will not be held accountable for any damages incurred by those who visit those sites.

Governing Law
My Terms of Use are governed by the laws of the United States of America and the laws of the State of Pennsylvania.

I cannot be held responsible for any errors in content or information provided is not accurate, complete, or suitable for any purpose.